Palace Purple Coral Bells is a dense perennial that is great for adding color to borders and shade gardens. It prefers moist well-drained soils.
Photo Credit: Oakland Nurseries
*** SOLD OUT *** Black Pearl Coral Bells is a dense perennial that is great for adding color to borders and shade gardens. It prefers moist well-drained soils with added organic matter.
Photo Credit: Riverbend Nursery
Grows 1' - 2.5 h x 1.5' - 2' sp
*** SOLD OUT *** Electric Lime Coral Bells is a good dappled shade perennial that is great for adding color to borders and shade gardens. It prefers moist well-drained soils with added organic matter. The red veins appear in cooler temperatures. Good pollinator and container plant, too.
Photo Credit: National Gardening Association
Fire Alarm Coral Bells is a brightly-colored perennial that is great for adding color to borders and shade gardens. Good contrast with green and black-leafed plants. It prefers moist well-drained soils with added organic matter.
Photo Credit: National Gardening Association