Grows 4' ht by 4' sp
Blue Cascade Distylium has blueish-green foliage. It has a cascading, layered habit. The red-maroon flowers form in late January through March add interest during the winter months. With its heat and drought tolerance, it is the perfect plant to use as a specimen or grouping in any size garden.
Photo Credit: Gardener's Confidence
Grows 2-3' ht x 3-4' sp
Low-growing hedge, foundation plant with a mid-sized rounded growth habit. Plum toned new growth turns blue-green when mature. Cinnamon Girl is a great, affordable Otto Luyken Laurel replacement or substitute!
One of the hardiest Distyilium available
Photo Credit: Johnson Nursery
Grows 3-4' ht x 4-5' sp
Coppertone™ Distylium is a low-growing hedge or foundation plant with a rounded growth habit. It features coppery-red new foliage that matures to a cool blue green. This plant is disease-resistant and adaptable... a good replacement for Boxwood, Cherry laurel, Otto Luyken Laurel, and other shrubs that have become plagued with disease and pest issues. Non-messy fruits and low maintenance, too.
These shrubs grow best in full sun, tolerating part shade. Prune the tips in late May/June for bushier, more compact growth. Plant in small groups or mass plant along a border or walkway, or on a sloped area.