6141 Sunset Lake Road, Fuquay Varina, NC 27526


  • 2g Honeymoon® Series Romantic Getaway Lenten Rose
  • 2g Honeymoon® Series Romantic Getaway Lenten Rose
  • 2g Honeymoon® Series Romantic Getaway Lenten Rose

2g Honeymoon® Series Romantic Getaway Lenten Rose
Helleborus 'Romantic Getaway'


White flowers with red veins in the center

Hellebores (Lenten Roses), are fantastic plants for a dappled sun to full shade spot in a woodland garden.  An easy-to-grow perennial with a bushy, clumping habit, it just needs some organically rich, moist, and well-drained soil with a neutral pH to grow and thrive for a long time.  Hellebores pair nicely with Hostas and ferns and come in a deep variety of colors, including pink, green, rose, yellow, white, red, burgundy and several stunningly different color combinations. 

Bloom time is typically early February to April and can be extended with deadheading.  A great low-maintenance plant, it's resistant to deer and rabbits, but should have some protection from extreme winter winds.  Can be divided as it matures.

Photo Credit: Walter's Gardens

  • Showy Flower, Showy, Winter Interest, Deer Resistant, Colorful, Low Maintenance, Groundcover, Heavy Shade, Long Blooming, Evergreen,
  • Hardy in zones 4 - 9
  • Part Shade, Shade,